Thursday, May 14, 2020

Critical Essay - 630 Words

Critical Response Essay: Nethergrave vs. A Sound of Thunder You and I live in a world were modernism is reaching new heights every day. One day that touchscreen phone is considered new, and then next week it’s old news. These two stories that I am going to compare are about the role of technology, science and how it affects me and you. Based on how it uses new technology and modern science A Sound of Thunder is a better sci-fiction story. When it comes to technology, ‘A Sound of Thunder’ uses it better than ‘Nethergrave’. In ‘Nethergrave’ the computer is the technology and it doesn’t seem like a main part in the story until the end. ‘A Sound of Thunder’ uses a time machine. This is an excerpt from the book - â€Å"†¦.-1999!†¦show more content†¦In general, ‘A Sound of Thunder’s setting is more fully developed. When it comes to the main message ‘A Sound of Thunder’ is a lot more effective. The main message I interpreted from it was â€Å"be careful what you do, it could affect everyone in the long run†. An example is when the hunter/guide, Travis said â€Å"Well, what about the foxes that’ll need those mice to survive? For want of ten mice a fox dies†¦-’’. He is explaining to the readers that every little and small thing has an effect on though you may not see it immediately. Conversely ‘Nethergrave’ didn’t have a message that you could consider in everyday life. The plot was not flowing with the story and it seemed like three different stories lines/plot. ‘A Sound of Thunder’ have the best main message overall that had a true meaning. ‘A Sound of Thunder’ is better than ‘Nethergrave’ because the use of technology, role of science and the main message. Its role of technology is unique and the role of science is unusual. Its main message was to ‘be careful’ because every little or big thing ‘has an effect on someone, somewhere’. This message is true and can be incorporated in life as well as technology. This is why I know that ‘A Sound of Thunder’ was an overall better choice of sci-fi fiction than ‘Nethergrave’. Works Cited * Skurzynski, Gloria. Nethergrave pg.313-324 * Bradbury, Ray. A Sound of Thunder pg.Show MoreRelatedCritical Assessment Of An Essay914 Words   |  4 PagesCritical Assessment When writing an essay it is essential to allow for the piece to develop and become its own organic living being. The author must allow for the paper to make mistakes therefore it can review itself and correct any confusion. This procedure of making and amending blunders can occur as many times as possible for the paper to fully evolve. Thenceforth the author must be able to look objectively at their essay and evaluate how effectively the message is being portrayed. 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