Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Relational Schema For Database And Database - 1816 Words

Question 1: Relational Schema (6 Marks) †¢ Provide a relational schema for the database you will create. †¢ Identify the primary keys (1 mark), the foreign keys (1 mark), and the constraints (1 mark). †¢ Identify the data types (1 mark) and write a query to create the database with MySQL (1 mark) and one to import the sample dataset you were provided with (1 mark) Answer 1: †¢ Provide a relational schema for the database you will create. Movies_n9000348 movieID Title Year Ratings_n9000348 reviewerID movieID rating comments Reviewers_n9000348 reviewerID name yearJoined trustRating †¢ Identify the primary keys (1 mark), the foreign keys (1 mark), and the constraints (1 mark). Listed below are the Established Relationships: - 1) movieID is the ‘Primary Key’ in the Movies_n9000348 table. 2) Combination of reviewerID and movieID is a ‘Composite Primary Key’ in the Ratings_n9000348 table. 3) movieID from Ratings_n9000348 table is the ‘Foreign Key’ to movieID column in the Movies_n9000348 table. 4) reviewerID from Reviewers_n9000348 table is the ‘Foreign Key’ to reviewerID column in the Ratings_n9000348 table. †¢ Identify the data types (1 mark) and write a query to create the database with MySQL (1 mark) and one to import the sample dataset you were provided with (1 mark) †¢ Identify the data types (1 mark) DATATYPES: Datatypes identified for the column variables in Movies_n9000348 table: 1) movieID: INT 2) Title: VARCHAR(100) 3) Year: INT DatatypesShow MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography On Non Relational Databases Essay1072 Words   |  5 Pagesof NoSQL databases has risen in the past decade as traditional relational databases cannot handle the vast amount of data as it was not designed to effectively manage such a large data collection. 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