Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Rise of Anti-semitic Views Under the Nazis Essay

The rise of anti-semitic views under the nazis made survival challenging for the jews of Europe. Life is Beautiful directed by Roberto Benigni and Maus by Art Spiegelman present the Holocaust in different ways. Life is Beautiful uses comedy to show Guido’s effort to keep his son alive. While Maus uses Vladek’s application of industrial skills to keep his family alive. Both stories show the peoples effort to survive at all costs using the skill set that they have. The two works about Holocaust survival show that no matter the situation those affected will try to survive. While Maus is presented as a graphic novel and Life is Beautiful is presented as a movie both show the horrors of the holocaust and the peoples will to keep their children†¦show more content†¦The Ultimate goal of Valdek and Guido was for their families to survive. Both Life is Beautiful and Maus show that the people with skills survived longer than those without skills. Before the war Vladek previously ran a textile factory in Poland. When he arrived at Auschwitz he knew that to survive he was going to have to acquire special skills. While Vladek was in Auschwitz he learned the art of tin working and he used his previous knowledge of shoe repairing to get on the good side of the Kapo’s. Also Vladek knew english and taught a guard english so that he could help himself and to try to move Anja from Birkenau to Auschwitz. In comparison Guido didn’t befriend any guards but he used his sense of humor to keep his son, Joshua alive. Upon arrival at the camp Guido explained to his son that they were in a competition to 1000 points. He asked what the prize was and Guido said that first prize was a huge tank. Later in the movie Joshua slipped up and said â€Å"Graci† which is Italian for thank you during a german dinner party. Gui do saved Joshua’s life by acting like he was teaching all the kids at the dinner Italian. Guido uses his playful actions to stay alive until the very end when he goes out to try and save his wife. While he is out looking for his wife the guards capture him. Even when he is captured he jokingly marches around because his son is watching. Guido ends up paying the ultimate price for his actions butShow MoreRelatedAnti Semitism And The Nazi Party1862 Words   |  8 Pagesis to evaluate the extent to which anti-Semitism throughout Germany contributed to Hitler’s rise to power. The main body of the investigation will focus on the tactics which were used within the Nazi party to gain support towards Hitler’s political beliefs. The formation of the Nazi party and the use of anti-Semitic propaganda will also be analyzed. Sources will be assessed in order to formulate reasoning behind the effectiveness of Hitler’s influence over the Nazi party. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Relational Schema For Database And Database - 1816 Words

Question 1: Relational Schema (6 Marks) †¢ Provide a relational schema for the database you will create. †¢ Identify the primary keys (1 mark), the foreign keys (1 mark), and the constraints (1 mark). †¢ Identify the data types (1 mark) and write a query to create the database with MySQL (1 mark) and one to import the sample dataset you were provided with (1 mark) Answer 1: †¢ Provide a relational schema for the database you will create. Movies_n9000348 movieID Title Year Ratings_n9000348 reviewerID movieID rating comments Reviewers_n9000348 reviewerID name yearJoined trustRating †¢ Identify the primary keys (1 mark), the foreign keys (1 mark), and the constraints (1 mark). Listed below are the Established Relationships: - 1) movieID is the ‘Primary Key’ in the Movies_n9000348 table. 2) Combination of reviewerID and movieID is a ‘Composite Primary Key’ in the Ratings_n9000348 table. 3) movieID from Ratings_n9000348 table is the ‘Foreign Key’ to movieID column in the Movies_n9000348 table. 4) reviewerID from Reviewers_n9000348 table is the ‘Foreign Key’ to reviewerID column in the Ratings_n9000348 table. †¢ Identify the data types (1 mark) and write a query to create the database with MySQL (1 mark) and one to import the sample dataset you were provided with (1 mark) †¢ Identify the data types (1 mark) DATATYPES: Datatypes identified for the column variables in Movies_n9000348 table: 1) movieID: INT 2) Title: VARCHAR(100) 3) Year: INT DatatypesShow MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography On Non Relational Databases Essay1072 Words   |  5 Pagesof NoSQL databases has risen in the past decade as traditional relational databases cannot handle the vast amount of data as it was not designed to effectively manage such a large data collection. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Personal Crime Analysis free essay sample

Boston is a large city which is located in Massachusetts. The estimated population of Boston in July of 2008 was 645,169 (City Data, 2011). Crime within the city of Boston has over the years been steadily declining. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Crime Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Though most major crimes in the FBI crime index have shown small percentages of decline from previous years, there are some areas of crime such as burglary that have shown an increase over the years. As the population of Boston increases it is essential that the levels of crime within the city are analyzed to reduce the levels of criminal activity while providing a safe community for citizens to reside in. Boston Crime Analysis Amanda McGuire CJA 354 Criminal Law January 23, 2012 Boston Crime Analysis Boston is a large city which is located in Massachusetts. The estimated population of Boston in July of 2008 was 645,169 (City Data, 2011). Crime within the city of Boston has over the years been steadily declining. Though most major crimes in the FBI crime index have shown small percentages of decline from previous years, there are some areas of crime such as burglary that have shown an increase over the years. As the population of Boston increases it is essential that the levels of crime within the city are analyzed to reduce the levels of criminal activity while providing a safe community for citizens to reside in. Homicide For the large population of Boston the murder rate has been effectively addressed due to the continued decrease in the number of murders and arrest rates. In 2006 there were 75 murders in Boston which has been reduced down to 50 in the year 2009 with the downside of only half of these murders resulting in an arrest (City Data 2011). Boston has recognized a trend in murders being gang related and have since increased their efforts in targeting gangs to further reduce the number of homicides (McKee, 2010). Rape Over the years the crime statistics pertaining to rape cases have been continually declining. The number of rape cases is estimated to be more than double what is reported each year based on the fact that many rape cases go unreported due to embarrassment, fear, or the belief that the victim brought this act upon themselves (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network, 2009). According to the Boston Police Department, in 2009 the number of rape cases reported total was 269 while only 12 arrests were made based on these 269 reports. Recently in Boston, a teenage boy was convicted of raping two young boys aged 5 and 7 (Morse, 2011). Due to the large emotional strain put on these two young boys the parents did not allow the children to testify against the accused and the teenage boy walks free (Morse, 2011). Robbery The robberies in Boston have been showing a decrease compared to 2007 when robberies were down to 2,242 (Boston Police Department, 2011). The current rate of robberies is at 2300 which is a large increase between 2007 and 2009. There has been a large string of robberies in Boston which the police have been attempting to solve. Within one month in Boston had experienced three bank robberies and one store robbery, all suspected to be committed by the same individual (Scripps TV, 2010). Aggravated Assault The Boston definition of aggravated assault is not defined by the FBI. The FBI describes the aggravated assault as â€Å"an unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily njury† though this assault is often accompanied by a weapon or means that can result in death or great harm; there is not a need for injury to be present from the weapon (Patton, 2008). Boston requires the accused to be in a rage due to the victim who tempted the accused to the point where the accused is expected to use deadly force and knowingly attack the victim (Patton, 2008). So although the rate of aggravated assault has been declining over the course of the last four years it is possible that the number of assaults according to FBI standards is higher. Burglary Of all the major crimes being committed, burglary is the one crime that has not seen a large decrease in reports over the years. While the crime rates have remained relatively similar the steps being taken to reduce the number of burglaries within Boston have seem to be working. In 2006 the yearly total of burglaries was down to 4121 yet over the course of three years the burglary crime rate has decreased to a total of 2955 burglaries in 2009 (City of Boston 2011) . The Boston burglaries have decreased even though individuals are getting to the point where they are robbing Churches. Larceny Larceny is the largest crime reported in Boston. Throughout the city in 2009 there were 17,069 reports of larceny, and possibly many more that have gone unnoticed or unreported. This is a decline from previous years where reports neared 16000 (Boston Police Department, 2011). Larceny is a large crime in Boston and results in many trusting individuals being accused. Within Boston there have been Priests that have been found guilty of larceny totaling $500,000 from the Churches. Larceny is a crime within Boston that requires additional police involvement (Hearst Television, 2010). Vehicle Theft Vehicle theft in Boston has been declining due to the Boston Police Departments increased involvement in vehicle theft. In 2006 the vehicle thefts in Boston totaled 4076 (Boston Police Department, 2011). Each year since 2006 there has been an approximate decline of 1,000 vehicle theft reports each year. The 2009 vehicle theft reports only totaled 2287 (Boston Police Department, 2011). The Boston Police Department have continued their efforts to reduce the number of vehicle thefts in Boston and in 2009 made large accomplishments. Boston Police uncovered a car shop that was participating as a chop shop, repainting stolen vehicles, changing vehicle identification numbers, and selling these stolen vehicles to customers who were unaware that they were purchasing stolen vehicles (Newport Television, 2010). Jail Overcrowding As the economy declines, the temptation for crime increases as the funding for government offices decreases. Due to a lack in funding, Boston has seen budget cuts that are forcing the closure of jails and the transfer or early release of inmates (Hearst Television, 2011). As more inmates are being transferred to jails that are already at full capacity the overcrowding becomes a large problem for the city. Though most jails in the area are at full capacity there is one that has beds still available yet cannot fill their beds due to a state law restricting the jail from housing inmates with serious felonies (Hearst Television, 2011). The criminal justice system of Boston cannot afford to house the inmates due to budget cuts and overpopulation yet the citizens of Boston cannot afford to live among criminals who have not served their full amount of time due to overcrowding. Conclusion Though the crime rates in Boston, Massachusetts have been slightly decreasing over the years there is still a need for improvement by the police department to address areas of crime trends that have yet to be resolved. The increased numbers of burglaries within Boston and the large number of larceny cases should prove to be areas of concern for the Boston Police Department to address. Overall, the analysis of the Boston Criminal Justice System shows many areas of the crime statistics to be declining with increased police involvement. The jail system of Boston has experienced some levels of overpopulation which can be resolved through loosening the laws and restrictions on jails within the area that have large areas of free space available.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis of Moby Dick Google Docs Essay Example

Rhetorical Analysis of Moby Dick Google Docs Paper It is packed with rhetoric from Captain ABA, who ICC is successfully used in order to arouse his crew and inspirit them for his irrational mission of revenge. Through brief stage directions, rousing speech, dialogue, and narration, Melville drama ties this chapter, and makes it one of the most significant and memorable chapters in the novel l. Through employing these rhetorical techniques, Melville also foreshadows future even TTS and gives the reader insight on the reality of the situation the men are in. This chapter begins with a very short piece of stage directions: (Enter ABA: T en, ally. Despite its seeming insignificance, Melville choice to employ the use of stag e directions for the first time here is an extremely intuitive decision. So why did he just decide to use them now? This signifies something out of the ordinary is about to happen. After a long f coco on Seamless private thoughts and his own adventure at sea, stage directions signify a chain GE in plot. They brace the reader for the great turning point that is about to occur in the novel . We will write a custom essay sample on Rhetorical Analysis of Moby Dick Google Docs specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Rhetorical Analysis of Moby Dick Google Docs specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Rhetorical Analysis of Moby Dick Google Docs specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In addition, the use of stage directions has an emotional appeal, because It can make the reader f el as though they are witnessing the story unfold as if they are watching a dramatic play. Also, t he use of stage directions promotes Mob Dick as a tragedy, which is one the two types of dry match plays. Tragedies focus on a major calamity or death, raising questions about society , relationships, morality and the meaning of life. This arouses interest in the reader by forest widowing future events. In a tragedy, things are bound to go awry, so this connection made by Melville gives insight to the probable future of the crew. Through including short directions, although only riffle, Melville serves to both interest and include the audience in the unravel ling plot and to foreshadow to contribute to building suspense throughout the novel. Captain ABA largely uses appeals to the crews emotions through his diction and language in this chapter. The use of pathos is essential to persuade his crew t o search for Mob Dick and to avoid any mutiny or rebellion. Before even proposing his plan, Ah ABA instantly sets them up by asking them a multitude of questions. For example, he asks What do ye do when ye see a whale, men? Naturally, the crew replies as they are expected to. By poss. Eng things as questions rather than orders, the men are instantly more prepared to listen a ND obey Abss commands. Melville even notes that they themselves became so excited at s such seemingly purposeless questions. Abss speech of the pain Mob Dick has inflicted on him is illustrated by loaded language that not only is used to arouse the crew, but to appeal me continually to the audience. As ABA presents them with his plan to capture and kill Mob Dick, he receive s little opposition. However, Struck, being most rational, questions why a voyage meant to make a refit has evolved into a mad hunt for just one whale for the sole purpose of vengeance. ABA refutes his sensible argument through using a logical fallacy known as Bands agony. He claims that the rest of the crew has happily complied to going after Mob Dick. ABA replies, The crew, man, the crew! Are they not one and all with ABA, in this matter of the whale? None of the other men had happily complied, but rather, nobody had the sense or c our age to speak up like Struck. Despite this, Struck immediately submits to ABA without Hess taxation. Through Abss rhetoric, a highly charismatic yet extremely domineering side of ABA I shown. This strong character development adds a completely new element to the story. T he audience is now made aware of the premise of the rest of the story. As Abss insanity is begin inning to be revealed, the looming disaster of the Piqued is foreshadowed. Also, ABA use s appeals to sympathy, which also influence the crew and the reader as well to feel that his need to revenge is more reasonable. ABA clever use of language and rhetoric in this chapter hell as to set the stage for the rest of the novel. In the Quarter Deck, dialogue is a prominent feature, being strung throughout the entire chapter. Since this chapters main point is for ABA to reveal the true purpose of the voyage, dialogue is essential. It serves to not only add interest to the chapter, but to g eve the reader a more hellbender view of the events occurring. The reader can not only be e exposed to Seamless response, but the reactions of the entire crew. Again, similar to stag e directions, this connects the story to a tragedy format. While preceding chapters were chaff lull of Seamless personal thoughts and accounts, this chapter is a sudden switch to more of a dramatic play format. This maintains the audience interest by keeping variation in how the s Tory is narrated, while effectively increasing the suspense that begins to build from this chapter r on. Also, had Abss plan been simply told through Siamese retelling it, the reader would view the voyage completely differently. Siamese himself was brainwashed by ABA into believing his need for revenge is somewhat understandable. Although he has more insight than others, he is still relatively oblivious to the fact that Abss plan can only lead t o doom and disaster for the entire crew. By hearing the events of this chapter through dial guy, and directly seeing how ABA presents his plan, the audience has an advantage over the men by being able to see through his manipulation. In all, dialogue is an extremely important com anent of this chapter which gives the reader a better understanding of the situation the Pee quad and the crew is really in. In addition, imagery is a component that is used in the chapter, and continue d throughout the entire novel. In this scene, circles are especially emphasized. ABA sesame bless the crew into a physical circle, while also pulling them into his own imaginative sphere of his win perverted vision of revenge against Mob Dick. Melville illustrates that ABA stands while e his three mates stood at his side with their lances, and the rest of the ships company formed a circle round the group. This symbolism is shown again when he ABA says Round with it, ROR ND! and again when he exclaims, Advance, ye mates! Cross your lances full before me. Well done! Let me touch the axis. By now ABA has successfully bound the entire crew to him. He stands in the center of this circle he has fabricated, while the men radiate around him chug HTH in this sphere of is imagination. This is representative of how the men have now become .NET angled in Abss deranged obsession. Without much choice, they are forced to submit to ABA as he controls each of them. This circle imagery really solidifies how ABA has completely maniple dated them to gain control over them. A circle is also representative of ABA himself because he is complete in him elf and does not listen or pay attention to anything outside the realm Of this circle who ICC encompasses his infatuation with avenging Mob Dick. He is so focused on this that anything g else has no significance to him.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Weird Naked Mole Rat Facts (Heterocephalus glaber)

Weird Naked Mole Rat Facts (Heterocephalus glaber) Every species of animal has its unique traits. However, some of the characteristics of the naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber) are quirky bordering on downright weird. Some people think the rats unique physiology could be studied to unlock immortality or find a way to prevent cancer. Whether or not this is true remains to be seen, but one thing is certain. The mole rat is an unusual creature. Fast Facts: Naked Mole Rat Scientific Name: Heterocephalus glaberCommon Names: Naked mole rat, sand puppy, desert mole ratBasic Animal Group: MammalSize: 3-4 inchesWeight: 1.1-1.2 ouncesLifespan: 32 yearsDiet: HerbivoreHabitat: East Africa grasslandsPopulation: StableConservation Status: Least Concern Description The naked mole rat queen is larger than the other rats within a colony. Geoff Brightling / Getty Images Its easy to recognize the naked mole rat by its buck-teeth and wrinkled skin. The rats body is adapted for life underground. Its protruding teeth are used for digging and its lips seal behind its teeth, to prevent the animal from eating dirt while burrowing. While the rat isnt blind, its eyes are small, with poor visual acuity. The naked mole rats legs are short and thin, but the rat can move forward and backward with equal ease. The rats arent completely bald, but they have little hair and lack an insulating fat layer beneath the skin. The average rat is 8 to 10 cm (3 to 4 in) in length and weighs 30 to 35 g (1.1 to 1.2 oz). Females are larger and heavier than males. Diet The rodents are herbivores, feeding primarily on large tubers. One large tuber can sustain a colony for months or years. The rats eat the interior of the tuber, but leave enough for the plant to regenerate. Naked mole rats sometimes eat their own feces, although this may be a social behavior rather than  a source of nutrition. Naked mole rats are preyed upon by snakes and raptors. The Only Cold-Blooded Mammal A naked mole rat would feel cool to the touch. Karen Tweedy-Holmes / Getty Images Human, cats, dogs, and even egg-laying platypuses are warm-blooded. As a rule, mammals are thermoregulators, able to maintain body temperature despite external conditions. The naked mole rat is the one exception to the rule. Naked mole rats are cold-blooded or thermoconformers. When a naked mole rat is too hot, it moves to a deeper, cooler part of its burrow. When its too cold, the rat either moves to a sun-warmed location or huddles with its pals. Adaptation to Oxygen Deprivation Humans cant live very long without air. Dimitri Otis / Getty Images Human brain cells start to die within 60 seconds without oxygen. Permanent brain damage typically sets in after three minutes. In contrast, naked mole rats can survive 18 minutes in an oxygen-free environment without suffering any harm. When deprived of oxygen, the rats metabolism slows and it uses anaerobic glycolysis of fructose to make lactic acid to supply its cells with energy. Naked mole rats can live in an atmosphere of 80 percent carbon dioxide and 20 percent oxygen. Humans would die from carbon dioxide poisoning under these conditions. Habitat and Distribution The rats are native to the dry grasslands of East Africa, where they live in colonies of 20 to 300 individuals. Reproduction and Social Behavior Naked mole rats and other mole rats form colonies, much like bees and ants. Kerstin Klaassen / Getty Images What do bees, ants, and mole rats have in common? All are eusocial animals. This means they live in colonies that have overlapping generations, division of labor, and cooperative brood care. As in insect colonies, naked mole rats have a caste system. A colony has one female (queen) and one to three males, while the rest of the rats are sterile workers. The queen and males begin breeding at one year of age. The hormones and ovaries of worker females are suppressed, so if the queen dies, one of them can take over for her. The queen and the males maintain a relationship for several years. Naked mole rat gestation is 70 days, producing a litter ranging from 3 to 29 pups. In the wild, naked mole rats breed once a year, providing the litter survives. In captivity, the rats produce a litter every 80 days. The queen nurses the pups for a month. After this, smaller workers feed the pups fecal pap until they are able to eat solid food. Larger workers help to maintain the nest, but also protect the colony from attacks. Unusual Aging Process Biologically, an old naked mole rat and a young one are virtually indistinguishable. R. Andrew Odum / Getty Images While mice may live up to 3 years, naked mole rats can live up to 32 years. The queen doesnt experience menopause, but remains fertile throughout her lifespan. While naked mole rat longevity is exceptional for a rodent, its unlikely the species holds the Fountain of Youth in its genetic code. Both naked mole rats and humans have DNA repair pathways not present in mice. Another reason mole rats may outlive mice is because of their lower metabolic rate. Naked mole rats are not immortal. They die from predation and illness. However, mole rat aging does not adhere to the Gompertz law describing aging  in mammals. Research into naked mole rat longevity may help scientists unravel the mystery of the aging process. Cancer and Pain Resistance Unlike the naked mole rat, naked mice and other rodents are susceptible to tumors. littlepeggy / Getty Images While naked mole rats can catch diseases and die, they are highly resistant (not entirely immune) to tumors. Scientists have proposed multiple mechanisms for the rats remarkable cancer resistance. The naked mole rat expresses the p16 gene that prevents cells from dividing once they come in contact with other cells, the rats contain extremely high-molecular-mass hyaluronan (HMW-HA) which may protect them, and their cells have ribosomes capable of making nearly error-free proteins. The only malignancies discovered in naked mole rats were in captive-born individuals, which lived in a much more oxygenated environment than rats in the wild. Naked mole rats neither itch nor feel pain. Their skin lacks a neurotransmitter called substance P that is needed to send pain signals to the brain. Scientists believe this might be an adaptation to living in poorly ventilated species, where high levels of carbon dioxide cause acid to build up in tissues. Further, the rats dont feel temperature-related discomfort. The lack of sensitivity may be in response to the naked mole rats extreme habitat. Conservation Status The IUCN classifies the naked mole rat conservation status as least concern. Naked mole  rats are numerous within their range and are not considered to be endangered. Sources Daly, T. Joseph M.; Williams, Laura A.; Buffenstein, Rochelle. Catecholaminergic innervation of interscapular brown adipose tissue in the naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber). Journal of Anatomy. 190 (3): 321–326, April 1997.Maree, S. and C. Faulkes. . IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesHeterocephalus glaber. Version 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature, 2008.ORiain, M. Justin; Faulkes, Chris G. African mole rats: eusociality, relatedness and ecological constraints. In Korb, Judith; Heinze, Jà ¶rgen. Ecology of Social Evolution. Springer. pp. 207–223, 2008.Park, Thomas J.; Lu, Ying; Jà ¼ttner, Renà ©; St. J. Smith, Ewan; Hu, Jing; Brand, Antje; Wetzel, Christiane; Milenkovic, Nevena; Erdmann, Bettina; Heppenstall, Paul A.; Laurito, Charles E.; Wilson, Steven P.; Lewin, Gary R. Selective Inflammatory Pain Insensitivity in the African Naked Mole-Rat (. PLoS Biology. 6 (1): e13, 2008.Heterocephalus glaber)Thomas J. Park; et al. Fructose-driven glycolys is supports anoxia resistance in the naked mole-rat. Science. 356 (6335): 307–311. April 21, 2017.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Write a Good Shakespeare Essay

How to Write a Good Shakespeare Essay How to Write a Good Shakespeare Essay William Shakespeare and his works of literature are probably one of the most popular topics for college and university students to have their written papers composed about. No wonder, in our days this is not as easy to come up with a great and interesting essay or research paper devoted to this topic – so many words have already been said and written about this gross figure in the English classical literature. Still, if you dig deeper and make much efforts in order to make your academic paper about Shakespeare sound interesting and fresh, then you have the chance to succeed. In particular, you are welcome to order a custom written paper about the playwright and poet in one of the online-based custom paper writing companies. The services these companies offer are good and their prices are competitive and customer friendly. No matter which topic or aspect of the Shakespeare’s works you have chosen as the basis for the academic work, the custom writing services would be granted to you. So, start with searching for a good online writing company and once you find one, get acquainted with its policies and guarantees. This is your duty and foremost responsibility as the customer of a custom writing agency to be aware of what you are eligible for, be that the Money Back guarantee, Plagiarism-free policy of Revision policy. If you find the policies and responsibilities posted by the company reliable enough, then your next step should be checking the pricing. If the pricing for academic papers is good as well, then you are welcome to start the order placing procedure. After you are done with this, state the instructions and requirements you have received from your tutor on the future paper about William Shakespeare. And once the order is placed, just wait for the writer to compose the academic paper for you within the deadline you have specified. This is easy as a cake. The writers from online custom paper writing companies know all the topics which may be covered in an essay or research paper about William Shakespeare, so they will not dissatisfy you with the final result. Their knowledge on the topic is enormous and the databases they have in their hands are very impressive too. Have no worries, the academic paper ordered from an online custom paper writing company will have no high similarity index. Academic writers from such agencies and companies do not tolerate plagiarism and will never put your academic reputation at a risk. They will complete a clear and clean paper according to your and your tutor’s requirements and instructions, so the paper about Shakespeare will be enjoyed by you and the rest of the group. is one of professional writing services which can provide you with essay writing help on Shakespeare topics. Dont hesitate to visit our service now!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Project Editiing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Project Editiing - Essay Example School characteristics such as location, policy and curriculum load also affect student success and should be considered when discussing high school dropout rates. All these predicting dynamics need to be focused on and studied in order to continue the downward trend of high school dropout rates and hopefully eradicate them all together. â€Å"To address the high school dropout problem, educational institutions must identify early on which students are likely to drop out† (Burrus and Roberts, p.1). Among students in America, about more than 33% do not graduate high school with their original classes. The troubling part is the higher 50% of minorities that are not completing their high school education. These statistics affect the demographic trends and creates a concentration of dropouts in poor urban neighborhoods. Unfortunately, 15% of the country’s high schools, mostly in urban areas, yield half of total dropouts (Dervarics, 2007). The issue of teens dropping out of high school is a widespread social and educational problem that has serious implications not only for an individual but also for society as a whole. A great source of data on high school dropouts is the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) reports. For 50 years now, this federally funded research center has aided in serving the institution of education with cutting edge research, practice and professional development. It is known, respected and utilized worldwide. One of its most popular entries came from the High School Journal and was titled, â€Å"Academic Disidentification, Race, and High School Dropouts† by Dr. Bryan Griffin. It described how a student’s ability to identify with academics is a big predictor of whether they will successfully complete high school (p. 71). Griffin went on to identify two models of student behavior that may cause early departure from high school; the frustration-self-esteem model and the participation-identification model. His article then