Thursday, August 27, 2020

A High School Diploma Is Important free essay sample

This helps the essayist unreservedly consider anything and doesn't hinder their thoughts. At the point when an author is finished conceptualizing then the individual in question can audit their thoughts and that should assist them with discovering great subject to examine on their paper. The other thought, which will in general work best when an author sort out their paper and encourages them comprehend what research they have to never really talk about a subject. In sketching out an author sorts out their paper into areas and the segments are additionally composed into themes that will be talked about in those segments. . ) Pick one of the points recorded beneath and compose a five-sentence passage utilizing sequential request to organize the subtleties of the section. C. ) Let me disclose how to make my preferred sandwich. To make my preferred sandwich you have to preheat the stove to 350 degrees. While the stove is preheating you have to get the fixings together. We will compose a custom paper test on A High School Diploma Is Important or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page They are bread, margarine, and destroyed sharp cheddar. At that point take two cuts of bread and put the bread on the rack and add margarine to the bread at that point include the destroyed sharp cheddar and each cut. At that point place the bread directly on the broiler rack and close the stove entryway. Following five minutes the bread will be toasted and the cheddar liquefied and you can take the bread out. At long last, you put the two parts of the sandwich together and serve and appreciate it. 6. ) Choose one the accompanying points. Compose an eight-sentence section that completely builds up the point. A. ) Following guidelines is significant. Numerous individuals think it is an exercise in futility to peruse or endeavor to adhere to directions. At long last, however, the greater part of these individuals regularly wish they had adhered to directions. At the point when individuals manufacture a toy or furniture the guidelines with the item is appropriately developed and to lessen the danger of injury. In the event that individuals don't adhere to the guidelines that accompany an item they risk constructing an item that doesn't work effectively. All the more genuinely, they likewise risk harming themselves when the assemble the item or others after the item is fabricated. There are no alternate ways to appropriately finishing a vocation. Guidelines must be followed to guarantee all items are very much developed and all who use them are sheltered.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Lobbying paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Campaigning paper - Essay Example The organization, serves customers, for example, colleges, organizations, urban areas, exchange affiliations and even people. Meyers and Associates campaign generally administrative issues to the government and congress for the benefit of customers. The organization’s mission is ‘to be fruitful in gaining by the chances and meeting difficulties introduced by Washington it is invaluable to have Washington portrayal that can consolidate understanding and national contacts’. Meyers and Associates as an association created with the expectation of speaking to private campaigning. This office gets its reserve from income raised through foundation and clients’ installments. Meyers and Associates, as an association forestalled shutting of army installations. Specifically, it campaigned against shutting army installations situated in Mississippi and Texas. The end of the bases was between the years 1993 and 2005. On account of this association a few bases were saved (Zetter, 2008). Campaigning has guaranteed that assessments from minority, weak and poor gatherings have contacted the individuals sitting in congress and government workplaces. Through campaigning, likewise the administration has gotten familiar on the problems that are begging to be addressed influencing people and associations. Similarly, lobbyists help Congress in figuring laws, which will be functional and operational (Zetter, 2008). Campaigning as a training is looked by the accompanying moves lacking funds to help the organization’s attempts, disappointment in favor of lobbyists to impact staff in Congress workplaces, and plan of unreasonable enactments (Zetter, 2008). Significant factors in campaigning incorporate knowing compelling staffs and secretaries working in government and Congress workplaces. Lobbyists ought to get acquainted with current issues and bills being prepared, have fingertip data on administrators, and enthusiasm of customers ought to consistently be

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Write the Lehigh Supplement 2018-2019 TKG

How to Write the Lehigh Supplement 2018-2019 Lehigh University is a small-scale university in the Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. While Bethlehem isn’t the most lively of spots, Lehigh has gained a reputation as a good school with a great social life. Study abroad is big at Lehigh; 43% of the class of 2016 studied abroad, and the opportunities are geographically and academically diverse. We also have first-hand testimony that Lehigh’s on-campus food blows most similarly-sized schools out of the water by offering many options across a variety of student restaurants and dining halls. Lehigh is a competitive college with an acceptance rate of about 25%.  Why have you chosen to apply to Lehigh University? (150 words)`A 150-word limit does not give you much to work with, but, before you get started, go back and look at the other information Lehigh asked for in their college-specific section. Most importantly, they ask for you to tell them what you are planning in majoring in (reminder: never be undecided, even if you really are) and w hat activities you would like to take part in, listed in order of preference. Since you’ve already told them two of the key things you need to get across in a supplement like this, there is a little bit of weight taken off. They already know your academic interest, they already know your extracurricular interest, so you can use these 150 words as a place to expand on what you’ve already said, rather than stating the obvious. Take this chance to dive deep. Specify what areas of your intended major are most interesting to you, name a professor or two who you would like to work with, and give one to two courses that you are interested in taking. If you have space to say two courses, have the second one be related to a possible minor, and say what that minor would be.  Finally, make sure that you leave room to talk about the Lehigh culture and community. Normally we direct students to not prioritize conversations about community if the supplement is short because academics come fir st. If you have the room here, use it! But remember to be just as specific as you have been about your academics. Saying “I like the community,” won’t be enough. In fact, we’d count that as a waste of words. Instead, share 1-2 small things that really stand out to you, whether they are community resources, traditions, or a piece of school history that is still relevant today. Lehigh has a long tradition of Fraternities and Sororities on campus, and the school is proud of their greek community. Nearly a third of students pledge, so if that is something that you are considering, this supplement may be a good place to mention it. The Lehigh supplement is short and simple, but that’s not a reason to take it lightly. Short answers deserve just as much time as longer ones, so take your time, think a lot, and keep quoting Cat Stevens.  If you get the Cat Stevens reference, you would probably enjoy working with us. We’re cool like that.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Finding Text Complexity in a Three-Word Poem

The length of a poem does not define its text complexity. Take, for example, the world’s shortest poem: FleasAdamhadem Thats it. Three words, actually two if you consider the contraction hadem as one word. The poem’s attribution is generally given to Ogden Nash (1902-1971) although there are some who credit Shel Silverstein (1931-1999). An article by Eric Shackle, however, found the originator of the poem was Strickland Gillilan (1869-1954). The article notes: At last, after searching dozens of websites, we discovered the identity of the mystery poet. It was revealed on a US National Park Service website describing Mount Rainier National Park. The Mt Rainier Nature News Notes of July 1, 1927, contained this brief item:THE SHORTEST POEM: We like poetry but we cannot stand it in too large doses. The following, which according to its author, Strickland Gillilan, is the shortest poem existing, deals with the antiquity of bugs.It runs thus: Adam had em! This short poem would meet the three standards for measuring text complexity according to the Common Core: 1. Qualitative Evaluation of the Text: This measure refers to the levels of meaning, structure, language conventionality and clarity, and knowledge demands. Teachers can review three poetic terms in this three word poem by pointing out that despite its brevity, the structure is a rhyming couplet of iambic meter. There is even an internal rhyme with the â€Å"am† and â€Å"em† sounds. There are even more figurative devices in the poem beginning with the name Adam in the first line. This is a literary allusion from the Bible as Adam is the proper name given to the first man created by God in Genesis. His companion Eve, the first woman, is not mentioned, it’s not â€Å"Adam and Eve/ had’em.† That could place the setting of the poem earlier in the Bible than her appearance in Genesis 2:20. Despite the allusion to a religious text, the tone of the poem is casual because of the contraction, â€Å"had’em.†   The title â€Å"Fleas† associated with the character Adam is comical since it implies a certain level of uncleanliness. There is even a bit of ownership since Adam had fleas, the fleas dont â€Å"have Adam,† and the use of the past tense â€Å"had† infers that he might now be cleaner. 2. Quantitative Evaluation of the Text: This measure refers to readability measures and other scores of text complexity. Using an online readability calculator, the three word poem’s average grade level is a 0.1.    3. Matching Reader to Text and Task: This measure refers to reader variables (such as motivation, knowledge, and experiences) and task variables (the complexity generated by the task assigned and the questions posed) In reading this three word poem, students would have to activate their background knowledge about fleas, and some of them might know that that scientists   recently concluded that fleas probably fed on dinosaurs as they need to feed on warm vertebrates blood. Many students will know the role of fleas in history as the transmitters of plagues and diseases. A few students may know that they are wingless insects that jump as high and as wide as an 8.5† X 11†. Explained in the Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) section of The Common Core State Standards is the description that they were built to â€Å"create a staircase of increasing text complexity, so that students are expected to both develop their skills and apply them to more and more complex texts.† The three word poem â€Å"Fleas† may be a little step on the text complexity staircase, but it can provide a workout of critical thinking even for the upper grade students.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Critical Essay - 630 Words

Critical Response Essay: Nethergrave vs. A Sound of Thunder You and I live in a world were modernism is reaching new heights every day. One day that touchscreen phone is considered new, and then next week it’s old news. These two stories that I am going to compare are about the role of technology, science and how it affects me and you. Based on how it uses new technology and modern science A Sound of Thunder is a better sci-fiction story. When it comes to technology, ‘A Sound of Thunder’ uses it better than ‘Nethergrave’. In ‘Nethergrave’ the computer is the technology and it doesn’t seem like a main part in the story until the end. ‘A Sound of Thunder’ uses a time machine. This is an excerpt from the book - â€Å"†¦.-1999!†¦show more content†¦In general, ‘A Sound of Thunder’s setting is more fully developed. When it comes to the main message ‘A Sound of Thunder’ is a lot more effective. The main message I interpreted from it was â€Å"be careful what you do, it could affect everyone in the long run†. An example is when the hunter/guide, Travis said â€Å"Well, what about the foxes that’ll need those mice to survive? For want of ten mice a fox dies†¦-’’. He is explaining to the readers that every little and small thing has an effect on though you may not see it immediately. Conversely ‘Nethergrave’ didn’t have a message that you could consider in everyday life. The plot was not flowing with the story and it seemed like three different stories lines/plot. ‘A Sound of Thunder’ have the best main message overall that had a true meaning. ‘A Sound of Thunder’ is better than ‘Nethergrave’ because the use of technology, role of science and the main message. Its role of technology is unique and the role of science is unusual. Its main message was to ‘be careful’ because every little or big thing ‘has an effect on someone, somewhere’. This message is true and can be incorporated in life as well as technology. This is why I know that ‘A Sound of Thunder’ was an overall better choice of sci-fi fiction than ‘Nethergrave’. Works Cited * Skurzynski, Gloria. Nethergrave pg.313-324 * Bradbury, Ray. A Sound of Thunder pg.Show MoreRelatedCritical Assessment Of An Essay914 Words   |  4 PagesCritical Assessment When writing an essay it is essential to allow for the piece to develop and become its own organic living being. The author must allow for the paper to make mistakes therefore it can review itself and correct any confusion. This procedure of making and amending blunders can occur as many times as possible for the paper to fully evolve. Thenceforth the author must be able to look objectively at their essay and evaluate how effectively the message is being portrayed. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Crisis Of The Community, Its Dislocation, The Distress...

Quote: â€Å"The crisis of the community, its dislocation, the distress of most of its members, went hand in hand with technological progress and social differentiation.† ― Henri Lefebvre This quote embodies all that planning is. It can be applied and analyzed through all of the concentrations of urban planning from equity to sustainability. He is simply stating that all of the aspects of the community, from its circumstances, both emotional and physical, to its location play a part in its progress. A community cannot grow if any part of it is inadequate. All aspects should be in equilibrium, a healthy balance of crime and peace, economy and income, as well as education and available jobs. As an aspiring urban planner, this quote throws all of what we study into one sentence. We understand the aspects of a community and how it impacts its inhabitants. We understand how communities are a part of a larger collective, ultimately framing the culture of nations and countries. Planning plays a crucial part in how society operates on a physical and intellectual level, and Lefebvre captures all of its essence quite well. Early life and education: Lefebvre was born outside of Hagetmau in Landes, France on June 16th of 1901. He studied philosophy at the University of Paris and graduated in 1920. In the early 1920s, he was a member of a small group of students including Georges Politzer, Norbert Guterman, Georges Friedmann and Pierre Morhange .They founded the journal namedShow MoreRelatedEurope Economic Crisis55278 Words   |  222 PagesISSN 0379-0991 Economic Crisis in Europe: Causes, Consequences and Responses EUROPEAN ECONOMY 7|2009 EUROPEAN COMMISSION The European Economy series contains important reports and communications from the Commission to the Council and the Parliament on the economic situation and developments, such as the Economic forecasts, the annual EU economy review and the Public ï ¬ nances in EMU report. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Essay on Macbeth s Ambition And Ambition Essay Example For Students

Essay on Macbeth s Ambition And Ambition Essay As explained by Marques, â€Å"The greatest evil which fortune can inflict on men to endow them with small talents and great ambition† (Marques). Ambition can be infinite. Ranging with the combination of good qualities and bad qualities. The distinction between having too much ambition and having too little all depends upon the person and is misconstrued depending on this person’s morality. It is healthy to have ambition and pushing oneself to be the best. But in the case of Macbeth, he has too much ambition and is unable to control it. When Banquo and Macbeth stumble upon the witches, Macbeth takes to prophecy to heart, while Banquo ignores it. This only increases Macbeth’s need for power, therefore his ambition. On the other hand, for Lady Macbeth, her ambition is already clearly evident, which she insists on pushing Macbeth to murder Duncan. Although the supernatural plays a crucial role in the couple’s evil doings, the real root of their evil stems from their increasing ambition. It is evident that the supernatural plays a key role in their madness, and did affect Macbeth’s choices and also affected Lady Macbeth mental health greatly, however it wasn’t the main reason. According to Macbeth’s letter he suggests, â€Å"Which fate and metaphysical did doth seem to have crowned withal†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (48). Macbeth is telling his wife that the only thing that is keeping him going for the crown is the reassurance from the â€Å"supernatural aid† or the witches’ prophecy. In this instance, Macbeth assumes that his destiny is being predetermined by the supernatural impulses and helping him gain his power. As if he has a larger calling in life, then what meets the naked eye. This gives him a sense of power, and a sense of opportunity to surpass any obstacle tha. . ng to do whatever it takes for them to get on top. MacBeth was never satisfied with what he already had, neither was Lady MacBeth. Their actions lead to a domino effect of destruction, because is not only affected their mental health but affected other people’s lives as well. To add to their already evident ambition corrupting each other, the supernatural occurrences was a sign of insanity, or a sign of their uncontrollable ambition exploring the possibilities for more. Thus, pushing them to go beyond their limits of sanity, blindsiding them with greed. It is wrong on so many levels, because both sacrificed others for their own sake in order to feel more complete with themselves. But at the rate they were going, and with their last dying breath, there is no possibly way for them to ever gain, because what they wanted was so vast and practically impossible to obtain.