Friday, February 21, 2020

Michelangelo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Michelangelo - Essay Example culture of fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Europe is represented as a repudiation of medieval values in favor of the revival of the culture of ancient Greece and Rome† (Campbell, 2004, v-vi). The period is characterized primarily by a renewed focus on the symbolism and skill represented in the artworks of the ancient world. To the people that faced these remnants every day, such as the people who lived in Rome and other parts of Italy, the remains of buildings and statuary from the ancient world represented a golden age of shared culture, reason and creativity throughout the region. This refocus on the classic styles, subjects and artistic knowledge are exemplified in the works of Michelangelo Buonarroti who learned his art in the capital of this flowering rebirth, the city of Florence. An understanding of his life helps to indicate the great sensitivity he had in undertaking his many works of art, including painting, sculpture and architecture. Michelangelo Buonarroti was actually born in the town of Caprese in 1475, but was moved to Florence soon after his birth when his father lost the governorship of Caprese one month after his birth. Because of his mother’s constitutional frailty, Michelangelo was given to a wet nurse who turned out to be the daughter and wife of stonecutters, giving the small Michelangelo his first introduction to the stone and tools that would one day make him famous, a beginning he would never forget. â€Å"If I have anything good in my talent, this has come to me from having been born in the purity of the air of your Arezzo countryside; and also from having received with the milk of my wet nurse, the chisel and hammer with which I make my figures,† Michelangelo told his friend and biographer (cited in Labella, 1990, p. 44). His mother died when Michelangelo was only six, and he remained distanced from the rest of his family throughout the remainder of his life as his brothers born bot h before and after him were raised

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Do the classical theorists still apply to modern warfare in the Essay

Do the classical theorists still apply to modern warfare in the twentieth century What about in the twenty-first century - Essay Example However, governmental bodies and rulers, along with the participants of battles and conflicts have their distinct and particular classical theorists with the consultative expertise, who recommends and propose impeccable opinions to these bodies. These theorist offers with their opinions and recommendations principally for the role of planning as they have encountered the ground realities of the battlefield in a widespread and comprehensive way. In addition, they are masters with the boundless and considerable information and statistics on the past and chronicled researches2. The studies and data demonstrates the fact that classical theorist still apply to the contemporary conflicts and wars in the twentieth century as well as in the twenty-first century specifically concerning the technological advancements and boom in the industrial sector that the world is experiencing. Although the industrial revolution did not bring change largely for the classical theorists, yet they continued t o keep themselves modernized and elucidated the existing and recent truths and information on a continuous basis in order to maintain their worth and significance3. Several of the theories related to warfare in the old times have undergone some changes and are dissimilar and unlike to the modern warfare as the social, political, cultural, economic and technological factors alters with the passage of time and thus, have a great deal of influence on the articulation of the warfare4. Many of the classical theories have come under collection, assembling, and consolidation by the theorists that were imperative and essential intuitions, perceptions and visions that emphasized their extended apprehensions of the warfare, rather than their advice to the explicit activities in the war. According to some of the classical theorists, ethical and principal manipulation, climatic conditions, territory, or region of a country, authority, control and domination, and regulation and obedience were fe w major and elementary aspects that were critical and crucial to the planning of the war5. Whereas, when looking at the other end of the spectrum, in contrast to the extensive knowledge about the past records of the army and their headship and management, the above mentioned aspects of consideration at the planning of the war by few theorist was irrelevant, out of date or even pedestrian6. As the classical theorist had different perspectives, their ideas and thoughts differ from each other and this can come under witness by the diverse and deviating past situations and surroundings. Some of the theorists focused and emphasized that, victory in the fight and conquering and defeating the rivals through paramount focus was the leading and vital solution. While others highlighted and accentuated the fact that deceit and dishonesty is the key to success and winning in the battle, and ruling over, and controlling the enemy’s insight and opinions will make them fight to the directed side7. Despite of the fact that the classical theorists were poles apart, nevertheless, they had abundant and plentiful chief and significant resemblances and relationship in their theories. The